Posts Tagged ‘Precious Memories’

Sweet Memory Highlighted…

October 10, 2017

Matthew 16 was the daily Bible-reading passage on Hurricane Irma Sunday, September 10th.  Jesus asked the disciples,”Who do people say that I am?”  Then His question became more personal.  “Who do you say that I am?”

Jesus’ questions reminded me of a precious memory from long ago.  The questions seemed to highlight, give power and significance to my treasured memory.

It was early morning – 4-ish a.m.  Nursing my newborn son, Michael, I got up early.  After putting him back in the bassinet, I decided to catch some time with Jesus in His Word, before my other 2 children woke up.

Alone with God bookI’d been reading this book on Biblical meditation.

Campbel McAlpine had visited our Sunday School class.  I was very intrigued with his message of intimacy with God through mediating on God’s Word.

Meditating on Gospel of John was bringing scripture to life.

It not only was bringing scripture to life but it was bringing light to my life. 

In that quiet place I sensed the Holy Spirit talking to me about sharing the love of Jesus with our neighbors, the Abel family.

Yes, they needed Jesus, but how would I do this?  It was a wonderful but scary thought to me.

Our daughter, Ellen, was 5 years old at the time.  She was loving more freedom of movement with her new power wheelchair.  She loved playing on the driveway with her brother, Andrew, who was 3.

She asked one afternoon if she could go visit Mr. and Mrs. Abel, our neighbors across the street, in her new wheelchair.  I called to see if they were up for a visitor.  They welcomed a visit from Ellen.

FullSizeRender(1)After their visit Mr. Abel walked Ellen home. As they “walked” up the driveway, I heard Ellen say,

“Mr. Abel, does your family love Jesus?”  “Sure”, was Mr. Abel’s quick reply.

“Mr. Abel, do you love Jesus?”  This time with a bit of hesitation, “In my own sorta way”, he said.

“Mr. Abel, my family loves Jesus!”

As I sat in worship on Hurricane Irma Sunday, I was struck by the similarities between Jesus’ words to His disciples and Ellen’s words years ago to Mr. Abel.

Do you remember Jesus’ reply to Peter? “Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven!”  In the same way I felt that Holy Spirit had orchestrated and given Ellen wisdom and words way beyond her knowledge or experience.

Ellen was sharing the love of Jesus with our neighbors, the Abels.  She made it simple.  But it was, oh, so powerful.  Her wheelchair empowered her spirit, to spread her wings and with her new found freedom of movement she was a carrier of the love of Jesus.

Ellen Elizabeth Snell 1978 – 1990


Pat Strickland


Julie Dibble, Speaker and Author

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